5 top tips to help cats cope with fireworks

Fireworks… oh, not again! I remember when fireworks were pretty much limited to bonfire night and perhaps a weekend either side. But these days, they feature in many celebrations throughout the year, including Diwali, weddings and New Year!

For lots of people, fireworks are an exciting way of marking an important celebration, but for most animals, including cats, they are far from exciting. For cats, these loud, unpredictable, unexplained bangs and flashing lights are quite simply, terrifying. In fearful situations, your cat’s innate fight or flight response kicks in. In the event of fireworks, this will usually lead them to either; freeze/hide (fight) or escape/run (flight). Sadly, the flight response often results in cats being hit by cars, as they dart off in a state of panic, oblivious to the dangers of the road. This is why is it so important to keep cats indoors when the likelihood of fireworks is high. Even the most confident of cats can be startled by the varying sounds of fireworks, and brilliant flashes, so it’s best not to assume that any cat is safe to be outdoors during these times.

For many cats, being inside doesn’t eliminate the fear of fireworks (despite our reassuring words and promises that it’ll soon be over!). As owners, it is our job to do everything we can to keep our cats safe, and help them to cope with these fearful situations.

More Purrs has 5 top tips for helping your cats to cope with fireworks:

  1. Keep your cat inside from dusk onwards. Don’t wait until the fireworks start! make sure they are indoors nice and early. Secure all exits to ensure they can’t sneak back out when you’re not looking!
  2. Prepare your house. To help mask the sound of the fireworks, turn on TVs and radios in the house (turn the volume up just a little louder than normal). Close curtains to avoid further stress from flashing lights. Make sure your cat has easy access to his/her favourite area of the house and lots of hiding places to choose from. Download the Classic FM App by following the link on this page and check out their ‘purr-fectly peaceful playlist’ from a wonderful selection of pet-friendly music.
  3. Use a Feliway diffuser or spray. These artificial pheromones replicate those produced by cats themselves, to mark somewhere as safe/happy. Learn more about how Feliway’s products provide a reassuring sense of calm for your cat by clicking here
  4. Provide a litter tray. When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go! Your cat will feel more relaxed with a safe, indoor place they can go to if needed. Put the litter tray in a quiet place, somewhere that your cat feels safe to visit.
  5. Don’t over compensate with too much extra fuss. Allow your cat to hide on their own if they choose to. Sometimes, giving extra fuss can becoming overwhelming and in itself become stressful. Some cats may approach you for extra fuss (which is fine) and others may be distracted by play, so have some exciting toys to hand, just in case!

If possible, keep your cat/s in until the next morning when you can be sure that the fireworks are well and truly over.

Interested in learning more about your cat’s emotions and state of happiness? Check out more articles by More Purrs such as How to make your cat happy & recognise their emotions and Why does my cat rub & sniff things around the house?

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