Cats in rescue shelters – 8 ways to help even if you have no spare money!

Cats in rescue shelters need our help and there’s lots of things we can do, even when we don’t have any spare money! The past year has been tough for most organisations, but particularly for charities who normally raise essential funds through fundraising activities and events.

As the numbers of homeless cats increase and incoming funds decrease, these amazing charities need our support more than ever.

So how can you help?

Many animal lovers (myself included) often feel sad or guilty about not being able to make generous cash donations, as we simply don’t have enough spare money. However, there are lots of lots of wonderful ways that you can help!

8 ways to help cats in rescue shelters

Volunteering is one of the best things I’ve ever done!

One day back in 2016, I realised that I just wasn’t getting enough fulfilment from my day job. I had so much more to give and an urge to do something ‘outdoorsey’ where I could roll up my sleeves and really get stuck in!

I started to volunteer in a Cattery owned by The Blue Cross and devoted every Saturday to looking after the cats in our care. The sense of job satisfaction was incredible and within a few months I’d learned the ropes, made new friends (human and feline) and started 2 new qualifications!

Every week I couldn’t wait for Saturday to come, to get back in the Cattery – my happy place! I learned loads of new skills and soon realised that my existing skills were able to help me to add extra value! I took on additional responsibilities and raised over £2200.00 to help us buy much needed resources and supplies.

Feel amazing!

The personal benefits from volunteering just keep growing and I urge anyone who feels stuck or unfulfilled by the day job to take action today! It’s amazing how much job satisfaction comes from adding value to a cause that you feel passionately about. I can’t finish this post without also mentioning the physical and mental health benefits of volunteering – the list of benefits is truly amazing.

We all have it in us to do small things that make big differences. Do your bit, play an important role in the transformation of cat’s lives when they most need it and feel a true sense of love, passion and fulfilment.

Me with one of the many gorgeous rescue cats I cared for (2017)

2 thoughts on “Cats in rescue shelters – 8 ways to help even if you have no spare money!

  1. Emma says:

    Great blog, and so true that there is so much more to give than financial support. I volunteered at my local shelter for years and the biggest benefit to the animals was the human affection they received, absolutely priceless.
    To anyone unsure if they can help, get in touch with your local shelter, there is nothing to lose but so much to gain.

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